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Welcome to

Lutheran Women In  Mission
Pacific Southwest District


1946 – Women of the Southern California District (later changed to the Pacific Southwest District) meet on January 20 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Orange, California to organize the district’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.  The League had been started in 1942, In Chicago, IL, as an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  The first convention was held in June, 1946, in Long Beach, CA, and the Southern California District became the 26th district of the International LWML.   400 attended.  The Pacific Southwest District now includes Southern California, Las Vegas, Nevada, and most of Arizona.


1950 – The first Newsette, the district newsletter, was published for distribution.


1954 – The 3 departments were organized:  Missionary Education, Missionary Inspiration and Missionary Service, with an elect vice president as head of each department.


1955 – Phoenix held their first zone rally, with over 100 attendees from 8 desert congregations.


1959 – Lutheran World Day of Prayer was held throughout the district on zone and local levels.


1966 – The LWML Handbook was developed by the International Board of Directors, and distributed to each Society.


1968 – Southern Nevada was welcomed into the Southern California District.


1970 – First Religious Art Display at the convention, featuring creations of LWML women.


1971 – 25th Anniversary celebration of District LWML.  600 attended the program at Trinity Lutheran Church in Whittier, CA.


1982 – Celebration of 40th Anniversary of International LWML held at the district convention in Palm Springs, CA.  A Thankoffering of $14,317.48 was collected and forwarded to International to be distributed.


1986 – 40th Anniversary of Southern California District LWML.


1989 – Southern California District becomes Pacific Southwest District.


1996 – 50th Anniversary of Pacific Southwest District LWML was celebrated at the district convention in Irvine, CA.


2016 – 70th Anniversary of Pacific Southwest District LWML was celebrated at the district convention at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Orange, CA, the site of the first meeting of LWML in 1946.


As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Our Mission

Upcoming     Events

Upcoming Zone Celebrations

Join us on Zoom

3rd Monday of each month 6:30 PM PST

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." 

Matthew 13 : 44 - 46

Executive TEAM

Our Board of Directors is comprised of:


  • Elected officers, most have a 4-year term

  • Appointed personnel, most with a 2-year term

  • Zone Presidents – terms depend on the zone bylaws


We are servant leaders of your LWML and are happy to speak and work with you. Feel free to contact us.

Chris Mahler, VP Special Focus Ministries.JPG
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